Do you believe your treatment services are effective, cutting-edge, and lead to successful outcomes? If so, how do you convey this to prospective patients and their families, as well as payers?
PRO Health Group™ can help you accomplish this in 3 easy steps:
[1.] Send us a message to arrange a free phone or video teleconferencing consultation in which we will discuss your agency’s program evaluation needs, collaboratively formulate a research plan, and determine the best approach to evaluate your clinical services.
[2.] If you are interested in moving forward, the next step is to set up an individualized measurement-based outcomes monitoring system or provide us with de-identified anonymous data related to patient demographic and clinical characteristics from your existing electronic health record.
[3.] Finally, we will take it from there as our experts conduct the appropriate statistical analyses and write up the findings in a detailed summary report for marketing or sales purposes, presentation to relevant stakeholders, and/or a scientific article suitable for publication in a peer-reviewed academic journal.
†For more information on any of the listed areas of consultation or to discuss a related topic not on the list, please contact us.
† Areas of consultation include: